26/01/2020 - 11:15
Bravo pour votre initiative, que dieu vous garde et guide vos pas.
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 06/02/2020 - 19:08
Merci !
07/01/2020 - 13:37
Bravo pour ce magnifique projet et nos amitiés à Damien Poisblaud, dont nous sommes très heureux d'apprendre qu'il s'y investit avec sa famille ! Véronique et Olivier Maas
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 03/01/2020 - 17:18
Merci à toi pour ta générosité ! Reviens quand tu veux !
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 03/01/2020 - 17:18
Merci Gabrielle ! L'article est magnifique, merci beaucoup !
30/12/2019 - 20:16
Magnifique projet d'écologie humaine et sociale qui fait place aux plus vulnérables
30/12/2019 - 19:14
Voilà un beau projet!! Que Dieu vous Bénisse !
€ 32,121
pledged over € 35,000 goal

This project was successful on 17/01/2020

In partnership with:

For any donation, a mass celebrated for your intentions

Every week, at the school, a mass will be celebrated for donors. What could be more powerful than the prayer of children!

For € 50.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 17.00

34 presales

Your name on the patron wall as a sign of our deep gratitude!

It will be a large pyrograved wooden panel, located in the Eco-Hamlet community hall.
In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hamlet projects.

estimated delivery date : 31/07/2019
For € 100.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 34.00

17 presales

A great Divine Box voucher + your name on our wall of patrons

At the end of the campaign, a €15 discount voucher will be sent to you by e-mail. You can then order all kinds of abbeys products on the Divine Box online shop: salted butter caramels, pâtés, beers, jams... All "made in abbeys"!

Your name will appear on our patrons' wall, a large pyrograved wooden panel, positioned in the Eco-Hameau community hall. In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hameau projects.

estimated delivery date : 31/07/2019
For € 150.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 51.00

6 presales

Invitation to a first centuries Gregorian singing concert at the Eco-Hamlet + a super Divine Box voucher

We invite you to a first centuries Gregorian singing concert by the Thoronet Singers, under the direction of Damien Poisblaud. The concert will take place on August 18, 2018.

At the end of the campaign, a €15 discount voucher will be sent to you by e-mail. You can then order all kinds of abbeys products on the Divine Box online shop: salted butter caramels, pâtés, beers, jams... All "made in abbeys"!

Your name will appear on our patrons' wall, a large pyrograved wooden panel, positioned in the Eco-Hameau community hall.

In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hameau projects.

estimated delivery date : 18/08/2019
For € 300.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 102.00

2 presales

A CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories offered + an invitation to a Gregorian singing concert + a super Divine Box voucher

We offer you a CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories of the first centuries, recorded at Thoronet Abbey by Damien Poisblaud and his singers.

We invite you to a first centuries Gregorian singing concert by the Thoronet Singers, under the direction of Damien Poisblaud. The concert will take place on August 18, 2018.

At the end of the campaign, a €15 discount voucher will be sent to you by e-mail. You can then order all kinds of abbeys products on the Divine Box online shop: salted butter caramels, pâtés, beers, jams... All "made in abbeys"!

Your name will appear on our patrons' wall, a large pyrograved wooden panel, positioned in the Eco-Hameau community hall. In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hameau projects.

estimated delivery date : 31/07/2019
For € 500.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 170.00

2 presales

A lunch with the families of the eco-hamlet + a CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories + an invitation to a Gregorian singing concert + a super Divine Box voucher

We invite you to La Bénisson-Dieu, to discover the eco-hameau and get to know the families who live there!

We offer you a CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories of the first centuries, recorded at Thoronet Abbey by Damien Poisblaud and his singers.

We invite you to a first centuries Gregorian singing concert by the Thoronet Singers, under the direction of Damien Poisblaud. The concert will take place on August 11, 2018.

At the end of the campaign, a €15 discount voucher will be sent to you by e-mail. You can then order all kinds of abbeys products on the Divine Box online shop: salted butter caramels, pâtés, beers, jams... All "made in abbeys"!

Your name will appear on our patrons' wall, a large pyrograved wooden panel, positioned in the Eco-Hameau community hall. In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hameau projects.

estimated delivery date : À convenir
For € 1,000.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 340.00

5 presales

2 days to experience the Eco-Hamlet from the inside + a CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories + an invitation to a Gregorian singing concert + a super Divine Box voucher

We invite you to spend two days with us, to discover our projects and our way of life. It will also be an opportunity to discover the school that you have helped to create!

We offer you a CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories of the first centuries, recorded at Thoronet Abbey by Damien Poisblaud and his singers.

We invite you to a first centuries Gregorian singing concert by the Thoronet Singers, under the direction of Damien Poisblaud. The concert will take place on August 18, 2018.

At the end of the campaign, a €15 discount voucher will be sent to you by e-mail. You can then order all kinds of abbeys products on the Divine Box online shop: salted butter caramels, pâtés, beers, jams... All "made in abbeys"!

Your name will appear on our patrons' wall, a large pyrograved wooden panel, positioned in the Eco-Hameau community hall. In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hameau projects.

estimated delivery date : À convenir
42 backers didn't choose a reward.

Thanks to CredoFunders

26/01/2020 - 11:15
Bravo pour votre initiative, que dieu vous garde et guide vos pas.
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 06/02/2020 - 19:08
Merci !
07/01/2020 - 13:37
Bravo pour ce magnifique projet et nos amitiés à Damien Poisblaud, dont nous sommes très heureux d'apprendre qu'il s'y investit avec sa famille ! Véronique et Olivier Maas
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 03/01/2020 - 17:18
Merci à toi pour ta générosité ! Reviens quand tu veux !
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 03/01/2020 - 17:18
Merci Gabrielle ! L'article est magnifique, merci beaucoup !
30/12/2019 - 20:16
Magnifique projet d'écologie humaine et sociale qui fait place aux plus vulnérables
30/12/2019 - 19:14
Voilà un beau projet!! Que Dieu vous Bénisse !

26/01/2020 - 11:15
Bravo pour votre initiative, que dieu vous garde et guide vos pas.
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 06/02/2020 - 19:08
Merci !
07/01/2020 - 13:37
Bravo pour ce magnifique projet et nos amitiés à Damien Poisblaud, dont nous sommes très heureux d'apprendre qu'il s'y investit avec sa famille ! Véronique et Olivier Maas
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 03/01/2020 - 17:18
Merci à toi pour ta générosité ! Reviens quand tu veux !
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 03/01/2020 - 17:18
Merci Gabrielle ! L'article est magnifique, merci beaucoup !
30/12/2019 - 20:16
Magnifique projet d'écologie humaine et sociale qui fait place aux plus vulnérables
30/12/2019 - 19:14
Voilà un beau projet!! Que Dieu vous Bénisse !
€ 32,121
pledged over € 35,000 goal

This project was successful on 17/01/2020

In partnership with:

For any donation, a mass celebrated for your intentions

Every week, at the school, a mass will be celebrated for donors. What could be more powerful than the prayer of children!

For € 50.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 17.00

34 presales

Your name on the patron wall as a sign of our deep gratitude!

It will be a large pyrograved wooden panel, located in the Eco-Hamlet community hall.
In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hamlet projects.

estimated delivery date : 31/07/2019
For € 100.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 34.00

17 presales

A great Divine Box voucher + your name on our wall of patrons

At the end of the campaign, a €15 discount voucher will be sent to you by e-mail. You can then order all kinds of abbeys products on the Divine Box online shop: salted butter caramels, pâtés, beers, jams... All "made in abbeys"!

Your name will appear on our patrons' wall, a large pyrograved wooden panel, positioned in the Eco-Hameau community hall. In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hameau projects.

estimated delivery date : 31/07/2019
For € 150.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 51.00

6 presales

Invitation to a first centuries Gregorian singing concert at the Eco-Hamlet + a super Divine Box voucher

We invite you to a first centuries Gregorian singing concert by the Thoronet Singers, under the direction of Damien Poisblaud. The concert will take place on August 18, 2018.

At the end of the campaign, a €15 discount voucher will be sent to you by e-mail. You can then order all kinds of abbeys products on the Divine Box online shop: salted butter caramels, pâtés, beers, jams... All "made in abbeys"!

Your name will appear on our patrons' wall, a large pyrograved wooden panel, positioned in the Eco-Hameau community hall.

In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hameau projects.

estimated delivery date : 18/08/2019
For € 300.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 102.00

2 presales

A CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories offered + an invitation to a Gregorian singing concert + a super Divine Box voucher

We offer you a CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories of the first centuries, recorded at Thoronet Abbey by Damien Poisblaud and his singers.

We invite you to a first centuries Gregorian singing concert by the Thoronet Singers, under the direction of Damien Poisblaud. The concert will take place on August 18, 2018.

At the end of the campaign, a €15 discount voucher will be sent to you by e-mail. You can then order all kinds of abbeys products on the Divine Box online shop: salted butter caramels, pâtés, beers, jams... All "made in abbeys"!

Your name will appear on our patrons' wall, a large pyrograved wooden panel, positioned in the Eco-Hameau community hall. In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hameau projects.

estimated delivery date : 31/07/2019
For € 500.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 170.00

2 presales

A lunch with the families of the eco-hamlet + a CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories + an invitation to a Gregorian singing concert + a super Divine Box voucher

We invite you to La Bénisson-Dieu, to discover the eco-hameau and get to know the families who live there!

We offer you a CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories of the first centuries, recorded at Thoronet Abbey by Damien Poisblaud and his singers.

We invite you to a first centuries Gregorian singing concert by the Thoronet Singers, under the direction of Damien Poisblaud. The concert will take place on August 11, 2018.

At the end of the campaign, a €15 discount voucher will be sent to you by e-mail. You can then order all kinds of abbeys products on the Divine Box online shop: salted butter caramels, pâtés, beers, jams... All "made in abbeys"!

Your name will appear on our patrons' wall, a large pyrograved wooden panel, positioned in the Eco-Hameau community hall. In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hameau projects.

estimated delivery date : À convenir
For € 1,000.00 or more

Actual cost after tax deduction : € 340.00

5 presales

2 days to experience the Eco-Hamlet from the inside + a CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories + an invitation to a Gregorian singing concert + a super Divine Box voucher

We invite you to spend two days with us, to discover our projects and our way of life. It will also be an opportunity to discover the school that you have helped to create!

We offer you a CD of the most beautiful Gregorian offertories of the first centuries, recorded at Thoronet Abbey by Damien Poisblaud and his singers.

We invite you to a first centuries Gregorian singing concert by the Thoronet Singers, under the direction of Damien Poisblaud. The concert will take place on August 18, 2018.

At the end of the campaign, a €15 discount voucher will be sent to you by e-mail. You can then order all kinds of abbeys products on the Divine Box online shop: salted butter caramels, pâtés, beers, jams... All "made in abbeys"!

Your name will appear on our patrons' wall, a large pyrograved wooden panel, positioned in the Eco-Hameau community hall. In addition, you will receive a letter of thanks and a regular newsletter on the progress of the Eco-Hameau projects.

estimated delivery date : À convenir
42 backers didn't choose a reward.

Thanks to CredoFunders

26/01/2020 - 11:15
Bravo pour votre initiative, que dieu vous garde et guide vos pas.
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 06/02/2020 - 19:08
Merci !
07/01/2020 - 13:37
Bravo pour ce magnifique projet et nos amitiés à Damien Poisblaud, dont nous sommes très heureux d'apprendre qu'il s'y investit avec sa famille ! Véronique et Olivier Maas
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 03/01/2020 - 17:18
Merci à toi pour ta générosité ! Reviens quand tu veux !
Benoît Regnier-Vigouroux 03/01/2020 - 17:18
Merci Gabrielle ! L'article est magnifique, merci beaucoup !
30/12/2019 - 20:16
Magnifique projet d'écologie humaine et sociale qui fait place aux plus vulnérables
30/12/2019 - 19:14
Voilà un beau projet!! Que Dieu vous Bénisse !